Announcements : 

Have a happy and safe holiday!  School starts back on Monday 17th July

Announcements : 

Have a happy and safe holiday!  School starts back on Monday 17th July

Welcome to Mt Roskill Intermediate

Whakapuāwai-To Thrive

Thank you for taking the time to find
out about our wonderful school.

If you are looking for a school where your child will be safe, grow in confidence and develop a ‘tool kit’ of skills to take them into their secondary schooling, you have come to the right place!

We want our students to thrive in every aspect of their life . Our programmes, initiatives and approaches to learning foster this.

We believe that students learn best when they are happy, feel safe and know that they are valued. This is the environment that we work hard to create and maintain.

We welcome your input and involvement! By working together with you we can help your child to really get the most from their learning.

We look forward to building a strong and lasting relationship with you and your child as they move through our school.

Ko ia kāhore nei I rapu, tē kitea. He who does not seek will not find.

Ngā mihi

Kristen Walsham


Ko te pae tawhiti,

Whāia kia tatū,

Ko te pae tata,

Whakamaua kia tina

Reach for distant goals,

So they seem close for you to grasp,

But hold fast to those that are close to you,

So you can attain them

Our Values - Mount Roskill Intermediate
Care icon - Mount Roskill Intermediate



Respect icon - Mount Roskill Intermediate



Responsibility icon - Mount Roskill Intermediate




School Calendar

Wednesday, March 5

School Closes Midday - 12pm
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Talanoa Ako Learning Conversations
12:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Thursday, March 6

Talanoa Ako Learning Conversations
3:15 pm – 5:00 pm

Friday, March 14

ACFC FIFA Club Cup Tour event at MRI
All Day

Monday, March 17

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day
MRI Board Meeting
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Tuesday, March 18

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day

Wednesday, March 19

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day

Thursday, March 20

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day

Friday, March 21

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day


School Calendar

Wednesday, March 5

School Closes Midday - 12pm
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Talanoa Ako Learning Conversations
12:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Thursday, March 6

Talanoa Ako Learning Conversations
3:15 pm – 5:00 pm

Friday, March 14

ACFC FIFA Club Cup Tour event at MRI
All Day

Monday, March 17

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day
MRI Board Meeting
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Tuesday, March 18

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day

Wednesday, March 19

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day

Thursday, March 20

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day

Friday, March 21

Year 8 - EOTC days
All Day
Life at MRI - Mount Roskill - Intermediate

Get a glimpse into MRI life with our school overview, showing our extra curricular activities and a tour of the school grounds

Sports - Opportunities - Mount Roskill Intermediate



Activites - Opportunities - Mount Roskill Intermediate


Ngā Wheako

Student Leadership - Opportunities - Mount Roskill Intermediate

Student Leadership


Culture & Arts - Opportunities - Mount Roskill Intermediate

Culture & Arts

Te Ahurea me Ngā Toi

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