Announcements : 

Have a happy and safe holiday!  School starts back on Monday 17th July

Announcements : 

Have a happy and safe holiday!  School starts back on Monday 17th July

Vision and Values

A Culture of Care

Our schools’ overarching goal for students to thrive, supports the vision of growing lifelong learners who
Strive, Seek and Find.

Values of Manaaki – Care, Kōtua- Respect and Tūtika – Responsibility underpin the school wide approach to fostering positive behaviour for learning and are well understood by students and teachers.

Ko to pae tawhiti,
Whāia kia tatū,
Ko to pae tata,
Whakamaua kia tina

Reach for distant goals,
so they seen close for you to grasp,
But hold fast to those that are close to you,
so you can attain them


Our vision is for our students to thrive in every area of their life – academically, socially and emotionally. We believe it is the right of every person to feel valued, happy and safe at our school. We encourage students to make the best decisions for themselves, demonstrate care and respect towards others, their environment and themselves and develop a growth mindset to take responsibility for their actions and learning. We encourage students to make any concerns known and to seek help if they need it.
We act on every bullying incident reported to us and will ensure that it is satisfactorily addressed.

Restorative approaches: When students do not meet our school expectations, a number of consequences may result.  The emphasis is on logical consequences linked to the behaviour and restorative proactive where positive relationships are reinstated. This may include putting right a wrong or the use of reflective strategies as appropriate. If we have a concern about your child we will let you know so that we can work together to bring about a change.


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