Tēnā tātou katoa,
Firstly, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all to Mt Roskill Intermediate School (MRI) for 2023.
It is another unique start to the school year, this time with the recent extreme weather event that occurred in Auckland and now with the uncertainty of what may happen over the coming days.
We know that many within our community have been affected by the rain and flooding, due to the widespread damage. If your family has been impacted, please contact us to let us know, so that we can support your child where we can as they start with MRI for this year.
If you have been impacted, the Ministry of Education have provided us this link that provides a range of information you may find helpful:
As you may have heard through the media this afternoon, all Auckland Schools are now required to remain closed until Tuesday 7th February. This is in response to the National Emergency Management Agency’s response plan.
As a school, we found this information out via the media and have needed to wait until we received information from the Ministry of Education before we could inform you with this information.
As a result of the school closure, the first day of school for all our students, will now be Tuesday 7th February.
New students will be welcomed with a short Pōwhiri. Please arrive to our school hall by no later than 8.50am
For all returning Year 8 students, please arrive by no later than 8.50am, and go directly to the Gymnasium, as practiced.
The school office will be closed for the remainder of this week. It will also reopen from Tuesday 7th February, 8.30am. You will be able to purchase your School Stationery packs from then onwards.
As of today, our School has been fortunate that it has not been seriously affected by the flooding. We have been largely unaffected in our learning spaces but will be working to clear away debris and address any damage. However, the Denbigh Ave bridge entrance to our school was impacted by flooding and as a result the bridge has been closed to vehicle entry until a structural safety report has been undertaken. We are working with the Ministry of Education on this as safety is our priority.
Students can still enter on the concreted bridge pathway running alongside the bridge, but vehicle entrance will temporarily only be via Frost Road.
We will advise you if there are any further updates via email and our website, and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kristen Walsham
Principal / Tumuaki