Occupational Therapists (OTs) promote function, participation, independence and achievement of educational goals, including:
- Student and work skills – self-management, self-organisation, handwriting, work and technology management;
- Activities of daily living skills – eating, dressing and using community facilities;
- Play, social and recreational skills – learning to use play and learning resources; accessing the playground and participating in activities with others.
OT’s contribute to students’ individual educational programme by:
- Assessing students’ development and the functional skills needed for school and everyday life;
- Analysing activities and modifying them for students, planning and designing curriculum adjustments together with the team;
- Adapting equipment and the environment to help students participate as independently as possible in the school programme;
- Advising on the use of technology and the best means of accessing devices for independence in the areas of communication, mobility and other computer technologies;
- Preventing or reducing the risk of further disability through specialist techniques such as advising on correct positioning during activities;
- Enhancing self-esteem by providing students with achievable and motivating tasks.